So How does it work?

Companies and contacts that are in SalesChain can be imported into HubSpot, utilizing the segmentation and targeting tools available in SalesChain to prioritize marketing activities.

In the other direction, Accounts and contacts as well as activities that occur within HubSpot are viewed within the SalesChain system seamlessly, so that the effort the marketing has put in is put right in the hands of the salespeople.

To make this even more seamless, when marketing generates or identifies a lead, the SalesChain workflow system can automatically detect that event, create a lead within SalesChain, and send an email to the sales rep with clear instructions representing the HubSpot marketing activity.

The residual effect of this is that sales forecasting will automatically have the lead represented within the sales rep’s forecast and the sales analytics and dashboarding tools within SalesChain will provide ROI measurements for leads and revenue sourced from HubSpot.

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Source SalesChain

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