We Do It For You

When you make the decision to purchase the SalesChain platform for your business, you are not left on your own to wade through a complicated implementation process.  Our onboarding team is excited to help you become more efficient through superior data and intelligent automation.  We will initiate a coordinated series of steps in two phases, designed with the unique needs of your organization in mind.  Our goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Your Personal Onboarding Project Manager

As a new SalesChain client, you will be assigned a dedicated project manager, whose responsibility is to oversee every aspect of your onboarding process.  Working closely with your managers, they will help you set up meeting schedules and agendas, moderate meetings, create and test your company database and provide comprehensive training sessions for all the stakeholders in your company.  Ongoing support is also always available during business hours through our professional help desk staff.

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