Hey! The LinkedIn Copier Sales Roadshow is just over one month away. If you haven’t got your ticket yet you can register now.

You’re going to leave the event bursting with ideas that you can put to work immediately to grow your sales. Based on feedback from previous reps that apply the principals I teach, you’re going to see immediate results from what you learn.

Help Spread the Word

Would you be kind enough to help spread the word?

  1. Like our LinkedIn Page
  2. Let people know you’re coming to the event. Share www.linkedinroadshow.com on LinkedIn or Twitter
  3. Forward this email to your peers

New Sponsor: Compass Sales Solutions

We’re excited to announce that Compass Sales Solutions will be sponsoring this event. (The latest version of Sherpa includes a field to link to a contact’s LinkedIn profile!)

To Your Success,

larry_levine_linkedin_360.pngLarry Levine
Social Sales Academy
(805) 586-3245 x. 302