Jean is a school psychologist by training and experience. She worked in this field for 20 years. Her husband, Larry Stutes, owned a Konica Minolta dealership in Orlando, FL. Larry was nominated and served on the IBPI Board of Directors on and off for twelve years. As a result of his dealership and serving on the Board, Jean became knowledgeable about the industry, IBPI, and she also came to know many IBPI Members. Larry eventually sold his business and retired. In late 2017, Jean was offered the Membership Director position and she jumped at the opportunity. Jean says, “It has been a great joy and blessing to work with the IBPI Board of Directors and Members!”

Jean now lives in Vancouver, WA where she spends as much time as possible with her grandson, Django, as well as her daughter, Alyssa, and son-in-law, Brian. She enjoys hiking, biking, and traveling during her free time.

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