By Louella FernandesIn this episode of Quocirca’s In the Spotlight video podcast series, Louella Fernandes, director of Quocirca, is joined by Garrett Helmer, CMO, Vasion and Kristin Escobar, Global Segment Lead, Digital Workplace Partners, AWS.

In the podcast, they discuss opportunities around serverless printing and the partnership between AWS and Vasion. PrinterLogic remains a solution under the Vasion brand.

Key discussion points include:

  • What is the AWS Digital Workplace Competency and what are the partner benefits?
  • What benefits has Vasion gained by leveraging its partnership with AWS and the wider AWS cloud marketplace?
  • What are some of the limitations around Universal Print by Microsoft that Vasion addresses with the PrinterLogic platform?
  • How important is integration with Identity Access Management platforms such as Okta?
  • What are the key considerations when selecting a serverless printing platform?
  • What is coming next for the industry?

Watch this episode of Quocirca’s In the Spotlight video podcast to discover more about how Vasion and AWS are leveraging their partnership to address the challenges of traditional print infrastructure models with serverless printing.

For more information about Vasion, visit:

SOURCE Quocirca

In the Spotlight with PaperCut – Disrupting Cloud Printing with Edge Mesh & IoT