By Alistair Nestor, PaperCut: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: it’s good practice to think of your print environment in relation to the wider business context. In other words, nobody prints in a vacuum. Your print workflow affects all kinds of things, from productivity and budgets to legal compliance and user trends. As such, it needs to be integrated into your wider business intelligence (BI) ecosystem.

This is where print management and exporting print data come into play. Using PaperCut MF, for example, you can take advantage of something called Data Integration . It’s a feature that lets you export daily usage data from PaperCut MF into various third-party tools – things like graphics, BI or accounting systems. Data Integration expands on our suite of in-house reporting features, including inbuilt reports and custom reports .

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Source: PaperCut