MAY 20, 2014 – BTA’s ‘Building My Business’ Webinar Series
Designed to help dealers improve the management of their companies,
take full advantage of market opportunities and, ultimately, improve the bottom line.

Length: One hour
Cost: Free to BTA members

Click here to register

Webinar Description: Social media represents a great opportunity for businesses. In this webinar, Slawetsky will review strategies on how to use social media effectively to improve your visibility to customers, find new customers and understand how to effectively market your company using this increasingly valuable resource.

  • Learn about search engine rankings
  • How and why to effectively use free services like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and others.

Session given by Andy Slawetsky, President, Industry Analysts, Inc.

Slawetsky began his career selling Xerox copiers before moving on to sell Ricoh and Savin hardware for an IKON dealership. In 1996, he joined Industry Analysts Inc. (IA) as a senior analyst. In 2007, Slawetsky assumed the role of president, where he continued the development of the website, launched The What’s Happenin’ Report and created and implemented IA’s social media strategy, designed to help promote IA’s customers. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland and resides in Rochester, N.Y.

Click here to register for the May webinar.