Effective Jan. 1, 2015, Katherine O’Brien, the OutputLinks Communications Group’s editor in chief for American Printer and American Printer Weekly, will begin working on a ‘Special Projects’ status with the company as she expands her activities with the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network (mbcn.org)

Screen Shot 2014-12-19 at 11.44.04 AMKatherine joined the OutputLinks Communications Group in 2011 with the acquisition of American Printer, where she had served as editor in chief. Her talents and skills were instrumental in evolving the printed B2B magazine to an integrated, interactive and individualized B2Me platform.

Regarding her new endeavors, O’Brien said, “MBCN was a huge help to me following my own cancer diagnosis in 2009. I joined its board three years ago and have been giving my free time to support patient advocacy ever since. But MBCN has some new projects coming online and it is clear these initiatives will require a larger commitment.”

“Freeing Katherine from day to day responsibilities will give her the time to bring great benefit to MBCN, while still having her available for important projects in the graphic arts industry,’ said Andy Plata, co-CEO of the OutputLinks Group.

“It has been a true delight to be associated with Katherine both personally and professionally over the past 3 years. Her breadth of knowledge and perspective on life and the graphic communications industry never cease to amaze us,” commented Julie Plata, co-CEO of OutputLinks Group.

O’Brien joined American Printer in 1997. “I consider myself very lucky to have had the opportunity to serve and observe the printing industry,” she said. “It has been a great privilege. So many people in the industry helped me–I am especially grateful to Andy and Julie Plata from whom I have learned so much these past few years. They are true stewards of the industry—not to mention two of the nicest people I have ever met. Their support and kindness has been incredible.”

Katherine’s OutputLinks duties will be managed by the Group’s associate editors and staff additions. “Our large group of industry experts and analysts will enable a smooth transition for Katherine’s day to day duties,” the Platas said.

Katherine has been recognized as one of the 100 Women of Distinction in the Graphic Arts industry, which provides a $5,000 annual scholarship to the Electronic Document Systems Foundation (EDSF).

Katherine expects to continue attending the EDSF Galas, where high achieving women from around the world are inducted into the group annually. “Participating in this outpouring of support for industry education during the PRINT and Graph Expo shows has been extremely rewarding,” said O’Brien. “I’m proud to be recognized as Woman of Distinction and look forward to welcoming future honorees.” The Platas attended MBCN’s 2013 conference and were highly impressed with the group’s work.

“We applaud Katherine’s work with MBCN and ask her industry fan club to consider making donations to the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network (mbcn.org),” said the Platas.

“Katherine will be greatly missed in her daily capacity, as a friend and colleague; we look forward to supporting her and wish her the best in her patient advocacy activities.”

About OutputLinks Communications Group

The OutputLinks Communications Group (OutputLinks Group) is a global marketing and publishing firm narrow-casting to various segments of the print and communications exosphere. Its 12 divisions operate in multiple languages with magazines, newsletters and online platforms, supported by marketing and content development services. The company’s wide array of services provides senior decision makers and technologists around the world with information of strategic importance to their company’s print and communications objectives.

About MBCN

MBCN is a national, independent, non-profit, patient advocacy group dedicated to the unique concerns of the women and men living with metastatic breast cancer. We strive to help those living with stage IV breast cancer be their own best advocate through providing education and information on treatments and coping with the disease.

MBCN was founded in 2004 by Jane Soyer and Nina Schulman. When diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, they experienced feelings of isolation from the very groups established to provide support. They felt the stigma of being a ‘failure’ in the breast cancer community. Their belief that cancer cannot be viewed as a disease from which one is either a ‘survivor’ or to which one has succumbed, fueled their desire to advocate for change.