By Larry Levine – I know what you all are thinking… Adjectives, Brand, Copier Sales Reps…

Over my 28 years inside the copier channel, I have heard many colorful adjectives used to describe copier sales reps. I thought for a moment, “How can I turn this into a teaching moment?”

Adjectives can be used in a positive or negative manner to describe “us” as copier sales reps. Adjectives such as… Ambitious, Energetic and Talented or on the opposite spectrum… Abrasive, Abrupt or Tacky. Think about this for a moment as you start to build your brand as a copier sales rep.

Understanding how to brand yourself as a copier sales rep begins with uncovering your personal brand. Your personal brand is not a tagline or something you take for granted. It’s a combination of your interests, beliefs, aspirations, values, talents and skills, along with numerous personal characteristics.

Your brand as a copier sales rep in one word is your… PROMISE. It is the “Pinky Swear” inside the business community.

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