This holiday season, MyQ invites its partners in the Americas to an extraordinary event—the Christmas Webinar. This is not just a showcase of new products but a celebration of partnership and success. Here’s what to expect from this much-anticipated event:

Event Details:

  • Date: December 15, 2023
  • Time: 11 AM EST
  • Format: 30-minute webinar followed by a 15-minute interactive Q&A and contest session

What’s in Store for You:

  1. Unveiling MyQ X: Discover the latest features and enhancements in MyQ X, designed to give partners a competitive edge.
  2. Live Demo: Get a sneak peek into some new devices, perfect for the festive season, and learn how to maximize their potential with MyQ’s BYOD capabilities.
  3. Interactive Q&A with Robbie Morris: This is your chance to get insights directly from a MyQ expert. Robbie Morris, a Solution Specialist at MyQ America, will be addressing your queries live.
  4. Exciting Contest: A festive event is incomplete without gifts! Participate in the webinar contest for a chance to win delightful Christmas presents.


Why Attend?

It’s more than just a webinar—it’s a platform to amplify your market success with MyQ. Engage with experts, explore innovative solutions, and be a part of a community that’s driving forward in the world of office equipment and solutions.

Registration and More:

The event will be hosted online, making it accessible for all partners across the Americas. Ensure you register in advance to secure your spot. Remember, this event is powered by Microsoft Teams, ensuring a smooth and interactive experience.

Don’t miss this chance to elevate your business acumen, network with industry peers, and potentially win some fantastic Christmas gifts. We hope to see you there, making this festive season even more memorable with MyQ.