November is replete with some of the year’s most impactful observances and celebrations when it comes to giving thanks and showing our gratitude. Of course, Thanksgiving might be most notable; a day set aside for all of us to reflect on everything we are grateful for in our lives.
November is also the month where we recognize and give special thanks to those who have served and serve in our military forces: Veterans Day falls on Saturday, Nov 11 this year. This is also the month when we honor the sacrifice and support of military families. Every November, the Defense Department and the military community celebrate military families and transitioning veterans during National Veterans and Military Families Month.
The Hiring our Heroes program through the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation states “On average, military families move to a new location every two to three years. This is 2.4 times more often than civilian families. Military spouses move across state lines 10 times more frequently than their civilian counterparts.”
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SOURCE Toshiba Business Solutions