EyeMD EMR Healthcare Systems Inc. is a leading provider of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software designed specifically for ophthalmologists. Founded in 2009, the company offers all-in-one solutions that include EMR, PM & ophthalmic PACS functionality; DICOM image management, one-click coding, ShareCloud, automated workflows, on-the-fly customizations, unlimited training and support, fog technology, MIPS support, and no cost integrations. With a 100% U.S.-based staff, the privately owned and debt-free EyeMD EMR has achieved unprecedented levels of EHR user satisfaction.

In 2020, EyeMD EMR partnered with etherFAX to extend their existing fax server solution to the cloud. By leveraging the Internet to manage all business-critical fax communications, etherFAX eliminates the need for unreliable network fax systems, phone lines, and costly telephony fees. Since etherFAX is not a “rip-and-replace” solution, there was no change in user workflows.

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