By Heather Fudger, Mary Massarueh, Sharp Electronics: “Is your teenager cyber-smart?” That question can sound scary, but what does it even mean? As parents or guardians, guiding and empowering your teens to navigate the digital world is crucial. By fostering open communication, educating them about online threats and implementing cybersecurity best practices, you can help keep your teens cyber secure. Encourage teens to participate in offline activities, hobbies and social interactions to develop a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle.

We’re in the Digital Age

Those that make up our adolescent population have encountered technology since birth. They don’t know a world without it. We laugh at how toddlers can quickly swipe through photos and navigate to the video they want to watch on a smartphone. It’s second nature for children to conversate with devices like telling the remote to turn on Bluey (better make sure your Alexa settings are set so you won’t end up with a plethora of pop-it fidget toys arriving at your front door!).

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SOURCE Sharp Electronics Corporation