By Joan Honig, DocuWare – Whether you’re planning to go digital after experiencing the challenges associated with remote workers, trying to cut costs or looking for an enterprise content management system (ECM) to ensure compliance in a regulated industry, you can find yourself running into a wall if your ECM initiative isn’t carefully planned. To avoid this, get an understanding of your needs, choose a solution that meets those needs, map out the implementation process, then test and roll out the new system.

A smooth rollout is exciting, bringing much-needed functionality and creating automated processes that drive efficiency, productivity and ROI. However, implementations that aren’t well thought out are frustrating and disruptive, hindering buy-in and reducing the chance that staff will use the new technology correctly (or sometimes at all).

Let’s take a look at some typical challenges of implementing ECM software. We’ll explain what these issues are and how to address them. Then your employees will have a positive experience of the new solution from the get-go.

1. Choosing a solution that can meet future business needs

The shift from on-premises IT stacks to on-demand cloud services has been the technology story of the past ten years. Subscription services are operational expenses, not capital expenditures, and are acquired only as the company needs them and budget planning can be done accordingly.

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