In a compelling panel discussion moderated by Andy Slawetsky, experts delved into the intricacies of print management, especially in the context of cloud technology.

The panel included:

  • Mark Hart: He’s the Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for PaperCut distributor ACDI, boasting an impressive 26 years in the industry. Mark highlighted the importance of enabling dealers to sell innovatively and understand client requirements. He emphasized that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to cloud; instead, it’s about offering a hybrid approach tailored to customers’ specific needs.
  • Dominick Bracero: Representing PaperCut distributor ecoprintQ, Dominick serves as the Vice President of Sales and Marketing. He underscored the importance of grasping the client’s perception of the cloud and understanding their specific requirements. By doing so, challenges in transitioning to the cloud can be significantly reduced.
  • Martin Janus: The CEO of MyQ, Martin compared the transition to cloud technology to switching from a conventional vehicle to an electric one. He advocated for utilizing the full potential of new technology and mentioned that the cloud offers freedom in terms of usage and location, leading to enhanced savings and productivity.
  • Robbie Morris: Though newer to MyQ, Robbie has been in the industry for about 11 years, working with an OEM and holding various roles. Robbie provided insights from a dealer perspective and mentioned the continual evolution and capabilities being added to cloud services.

3 Takeaways from This Video

  1. The Evolution and Importance of Cloud in Print Management:
    • Cloud has emerged as a significant topic in the realm of print management. As Mark Hart mentions, cloud solutions are allowing for a more versatile and hybrid approach to meeting client needs. This evolution is essential as customers’ understanding and demands of the cloud can vary, so understanding their specific needs and preferences is vital.
  1. Understanding Customer Needs is Paramount:
    • Dominick Bracero emphasizes the importance of understanding what “cloud” means to different clients. To ensure a successful transition, there’s a need to grasp organizational goals, existing infrastructure, print workflow preferences, and more. By comprehensively understanding these elements, dealers can offer tailored solutions that align with individual client demands and thereby reduce transition challenges.
  1. Future Outlook: Expanding Cloud Capabilities and Services:
    • Martin Janus draws a parallel between the shift to cloud technologies and the transition from standard vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). While the outward appearance might be similar, the underlying processes and benefits are distinct. He envisions that as the technology continues to evolve, if utilized to its full potential, cloud solutions can offer even more significant savings and productivity improvements in print management.

This discussion offers insights into the current state of print management, the role of cloud technologies in shaping its future, and the need to deeply understand and cater to customer requirements for successful implementation.

SOURCE Industry Analysts Inc.