By Kieron Byatt, PaperCut: Look at your printer. Now look at your computer. Now imagine a bridge between your printer and your computer.

Now picture this: Your print job wants to travel from your computer to the printer. To make that journey, it needs to jump in a car. That car will transport your digital file from your computer to your printer.

Now, imagine that the passenger speaks the native language of your computer. To prepare itself for its arrival at the printer, it needs a driver who will understand them and translate what they’re saying into a language that the printer can understand.

Okay, that analogy fell down a little, but that car and the person behind the wheel that transports the passenger from Place A to Place B, that’s essentially what a print driver is and does.

Print drivers bridge your computer to your printer, facilitating the communication necessary to convert digital documents into physical printouts.

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Source: PaperCut