ecoprintQ is committed to delivering excellent service to every customer, providing support at each phase of an opportunity, and promoting solutions at a every level. As a result, ecoprintQ is one of the world’s top Authorized Solution Center.

In addition to providing exceptional products and services to their customers, ecoprintQ is also dedicated to saving the planet. We offer several products that not only saves money, they also reduce paper usage and waste, ultimately reduce carbon emissions and save trees.

PaperCut Software was formed over 22 years ago when our founder was working as a SysAdmin at a local high school and was appalled with the pile of paper sitting next to the waste basket every day.

Shortly after the release of version 1.0, they realized that saving waste was more than just about paper. There are significant time and cost wastes as well.

PaperCut is in the business of saving trees. To date, over 112 million users in 186 countries are reducing their paper wastage with our software. Business is good.

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SOURCE ecoprintQ

Loadbalancer & ecoprintQ Want You to Know Why Zero Downtime for Print Management is Critical