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Partners with Datawatch Corp., a U.S. specialist in converting paper, to offer a customized service

Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 3.18.27 PMIt may surprise some, but despite the best efforts of IT vendors the business world hasn’t completely abandoned paper. Retail chains in particular use it for store or branch reports, inventory reports and invoices from suppliers, all of which has to be stored somewhere.

To help digitize that pile Xerox Canada has partnered with Datawatch Corp., a U.S. specialist in converting paper, to offer a customized service.

Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 1.58.44 PM“Many institutions are building wholly digital environments,” said Jim Muzyka, senior vice-president of Xerox Services Canada, “but a lot of what they have is still analogue.”

“We believe we can bridge that by moving clients into a digital world more quickly.”

Among the advantages is the digital documents can now be searchable PDFs and mined online, and that staff who process paper can be shifted to selling products.

Paper is still a large part of some organizations’ workloads, Muzyka said – one Canadian company Xerox Canada is working with estimated it handles millions of paper documents a year  – and getting rid of it entirely is a challenge.

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 3.46.17 PM“Everybody has some dependency on paper, no matter what they’ve done with their back office,” he said. “As long as you have vendors that can’t or haven’t gone EDI (electronic data interchange, a standard for transporting documents electronically) you’re going to have a paper component anyway.”

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