
Just a quick update on what’s so far been my favorite machine of the test. The MultiXpress K7600 has been an absolute beast. The first machine to the quarter-million mark, this 60-PPM monochrome A3 MFP has been pushed hard so far.

IMG_8929I’ve run mostly two-sided copy jobs in an effort to really challenge the device. Now I’m shifting to printing for a bit. I did several stacks with staples. I didn’t think it was working because you can’t actually hear the stapler but sure enough, the pages came out perfect.

Not a single misfeed in the feeder so far and registration looks spot on. The feeder is blazing fast due to the high-speed scanning.

271,827 pages printed and copied so far on normal Staples 20 lb., 92 bright paper.

Time to go add more paper. You’d think that holding over a case would give me some free bitmoji-20150821132243time but it goes through it very quickly.
