What makes a Pharos Solution?

Your best solution considers all three elements of your print environment: end-user behavior, devices, and documents.

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Every print environment is different. Before we propose a solution specific to your organization, we take the time to understand your environment and your needs to fulfill the objective of making print the way it should be. With a mindset of discovery, we collect comprehensive, vendor-neutral data and ask challenging questions to find the root of your print problems.


As thought leaders and experts in the print industry, we help you analyze your data and build an effective, fact-based print strategy. With your priorities in mind, we commit to implementing the best solution that brings the greatest return on investment.


This isn’t just about software. Your users play a role in making a difference. We educate users about the impact of their actions and provide easy solutions to meet their needs. Change is good when it brings positive, measurable results!


With our solution in place, we continue to learn and refine together, repeating our process as needed until print is the way it should be—working for you.

Click here to learn more about Pharos MPS programs