By  – Transforming how Copier Reps grow net new business through LinkedIn & Storytelling

“Coffee is for Closers” a legendary sales line from the iconic sales movie Glengarry Glen Ross. Yes, closing is part of the sales process. However; allow me to introduce you to a new mantra…

“Content is for Closers”

Think of all the collateral material as copier reps you share with prospects and clients throughout the life of the sales process. Each stage of the sales process demands educated conversations and an accessible supply of quality information. In this hyper-connected, instant gratification, in constant search of information business climate, integrating the notions of content and collateral becomes a natural approach to drive value, improve consistency and maximize impact as we align ourselves with our prospects and clients during their buying journey.

Thank you to Google and the internet as this has forever altered the sales process and the sales funnel. The traditional sales funnel is dead and morphed into a cyclical journey of buyer decision-making. As with marketing, the sales evolution is a response to the rapid enhancement of technology, buyer needs and buyer empowerment. There is a clear move away from traditional sales funnels and broadcasting sales tactics. We already know prospects feed off and educate themselves with content, social data and position themselves far into the sales cycles before ever connecting with a sales rep.

As more internal people (prospects or clients) within organizations become involved inside the buying process, the buying journey and how you align inside of it may look like a long and winding business road.

With this in mind, copier sales reps need to arm their prospects and clients with the right content at the right time, to help them make the best possible purchasing decisions. Copier dealerships need to be content marketing and content selling.

There is a new scenario for copier sales reps to consider and it is based on content. In this content craving business ecosystem (within your dealership), both sales and marketing must thrive on providing your prospects and clients with good content. Content draws leads, on-boards prospects and may even help to close sales. Content also boosts your brand trust, your reputation, allows you to become an educational source for your clients as this ultimately elevates your position with your clients as all-powerful brand evangelicals.

Content leads to conversations, conversations lead to meetings, meetings become one step closer to a sale

No conversations No Sales!

Copier sales reps you must position yourself with the tools to have conversations with your clients and prospects at each stage of buying cycle. Content is the tool to enable these conversations. Content attracts and draws in targeted prospects. Content educates prospects and helps prospects solve their problems which in turn may ultimately help them to make a buying decision. Delivering valuable and educational content makes you as a sales rep relevant and valuable. Your prospect’s crave sales reps who can “have intelligent conversations and deliver effective value messages.”

According the Brevet Group, only 13% of buyers believe sales reps can understand their needs. This means sales reps need to understand the importance of connecting with their buyers. Make the effort to conduct research and connect with a prospect. This starts to humanize yourself thus providing the foundation for building credibility.

As you review this sales funnel, ask yourself how content can help facilitate, nurture and pull your client or prospect through the buying cycle.

3 Stages Copier Sales Reps Can Use Content To Help Close Net New Business

According to a study conducting by Pardot, 76% of buyers prefer different content at each stage of their research process.

Stage 1 Close Opportunity – Top of the sales funnel

At the top of the sales relationship funnel, sales reps are driving awareness and position themselves as credible resources. This could be:

  • “How to” blog articles
  • Infographics
  • Content from credible resources and thought leaders

Stage 2 Close Opportunity – The middle of sales funnel

The middle of the sales relationship funnel is where sales reps connect with prospects through sharing information on their social profiles:

  •  Case studies
  • Long form blog articles
  • Relevant industry news

 Stage 3 Close Opportunity – The bottom of the sales funnel

The bottom of the sales relationship funnel is where sales reps engage 1-1 with prospects.

  •  Long form blog posts
  • Customer recommendations
  • Peer recommendations
  • Visual media

B2B buyers are spending more time on social media outlets conducting research before they make their purchasing decisions. Copier sales reps can create great opportunities to connect with buyers. To become relevant, copier sales reps must adopt social selling as part of their core sales strategy. Integrating social selling aspects into the sales process is a must. Business times are different!

What we must do as copier sales reps is offer all the information we can to our prospective customers and clients. We need to get out there and market ourselves online. Create content which is interesting, relevant, engaging and educational so our prospects are excited to consume it (i.e. read, watch, listen to, etc.). This is how we attract traffic, convert this traffic into leads (conversations), and close those leads into becoming clients. My friends simply put…

No Visibility, No Value, No Relationships Leads To No Revenue!

In summary, content is now the copier sales reps new best friend.

If you enjoyed please share your comments. Look forward to connecting and starting a conversation.

Check out more at the Social Sales Academy blog site.

Please enjoy my other posts on LinkedIn Publisher and on SlideShare

I appreciate getting the opportunity to share my LinkedIn stories. Integrating the use of LinkedIn was my “game-changer” in the highly competitive copier world. With great pride I transform and coach copier sales professionals to grow net new business by helping them tell their story and communicate on LinkedIn. My commitment is to help independent office technology dealers thrive in a changing marketplace. You can follow me on LinkedInTwitter, as well as at the Social Sales Academy