
The costs associated with printing are often hidden, where many institutions do not know how much they are spending. Waste from documents left uncollected at the printer can equate to 30% of all printing, causing a significant drain on resources.

FollowMe Printing ensures users print only what they need, preventing unnecessary printing and waste. With FollowMe the user must be present to release their print jobs which means no document is left uncollected in the printer’s output tray.

With the tracking and intuitive reporting tools institutions have the transparency to see how much each user, department and device is costing, so savings can be identified and realistic budgets can be set and managed.

Why Institutions choose FollowMe by Ringdale

  • Save up to 60% on printing costs
  • Minimize waste and management
  • Keep track of print costs
  • Highly scalable to support multi-vendor environments

“FollowMe helped us manage printing costs. The installation and support we receive provides us with a fit and forget solution”
IT Management, Leading Independent Girls School


For further information on FollowMe by Ringdale, visit

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