By Larry Levine – Office Technology sales bullpens everywhere are filled with sales reps who complain about everything from leads, to their comp plans, too much paperwork, losing deals based on price; you name it they will find something to bitch about. You could say it’s a completely natural part of the sales culture and comes with the territory.

While some complaints may be legitimate, you won’t hear the best sales reps inside dealerships complaining since they are too busy focusing on finding solutions. Venting makes sales reps feel better, but it rarely helps your numbers and the top sales reps understand this well.


Listening to copier sales reps gripe and moan reminds me of my youth and the summers I spent in New York City with my grandparents. The only thing worse than copier sales reps moaning is having to watch four old Jewish grandma’s playing mah-jongg complaining about all of their ailments.

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