A Quickie with the MyQ Expert | Episode 12: Print from Cloud with MyQ Roger

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ.

The king season of binge-watching – autumn – is here, and so is the new season of Quickies with the MyQ Expert to satisfy our viewers’ needs. Thanks to the MyQ Expert’s guidance in the first Quickie season, you should know your way around the basic features of MyQ X. Now it’s time to take off to the virtual sky with our Smart Digital Workplace Assistant MyQ Roger, and let the public cloud be your main colleague for document processing. Sit tight and get ready for a cloud printing flight.

With MyQ Roger it’s all about that phone of yours. Take it out of the pocket or purse, warm up your thumbs and follow the instructions of the MyQ Roger flight attendant Rami, who will show you how simple and intuitive it is to print directly from your personal cloud like Google Drive or OneDrive. You access them directly from the MyQ Roger app, and then you have basically two options: print right away or send them handouts or reports to your print queue from anywhere and release it when you’re face-to-display with an MFP in the office. Hop on the cloud print hype with a single swipe!


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