Webinar Details:

  • Date: May 10, 2024
  • Time: 11 AM EST
  • Duration: 30 minutes (webinar), 15 minutes (Q&A, contest)
  • Presenter: Robbie Morris, Solution Specialist

Now, we all know MyQ does an excellent job at tracking and reporting how many copies and prints users make. However, what if we aren’t interested in charging back to our internal users, rather we need to invoice output to external clients? Enter Project Accounting. With MyQ Project Accounting anytime a print, copy, scan, or fax is generated end-users can select a billing code to associate with that transaction. Most often this feature is utilized in law firms but other organizations such as accountants, architectural firms, and even religious organizations have utilized this feature to better track their output.  And don’t worry, with MyQ’s extensive reporting capabilities we’ll show how these reports can be automated on a schedule for expedited processing.

As a special feature, each webinar will conclude with a short review contest. MyQ will then make a contribution in the name of the top three participants to a charitable organization of their choice!

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SOURCE MyQ Software