Learn about the features and benefits of print management/document capture with infrastructure managed by Y Soft in a secure, reserved cloud environment.

With direct support from Y Soft and custom options, YSoft SAFEQ Managed is ideal for customers who want the benefits of print management without the need to purchase and manage on-premise servers.

Digital Transformation. It’s no longer a buzz word because organizations large and small are looking toward cloud-based solutions for business processes. Print services, like other business processes, can leverage the cloud to eliminate costly on-prem infrastructure and IT resources.

YSoft SAFEQ Managed includes powerful features to deliver robust print management and document capture as a subscription service — completely managed and supported by Y Soft. You get the centralized print management, simplified document capture, reduced print costs and the increases in document security you need. And all print services activities come with accurate reporting to meet regulatory and budgetary requirements.

Your success is backed by Y Soft support, project management and optional companion hardware to keep your print services agile, cost-effective and user friendly.

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Print Management and Document Capture with Managed, Reserved Cloud Infrastructure