It’s no April Fool’s joke; cyberattacks are on the rise. With more people working remotely, data security has become paramount across every industry. Learn how to keep your and your business’s data safe with this helpful guide.

Analyze Your Emails

Phishing emails can fool even the most tech-savvy user. Often, they replicate emails from trusted names or use a fake (but similar) email address to deceive you. Phishing emails often fail to replicate the tone of the sender. If you think the message is different than what you would expect to receive, contact that person directly and verify that they’ve emailed you. If it’s a brand, make sure that the email address matches their corporate website. Take a second to analyze the email before clicking any links to avoid potential cybersecurity dangers. Now more than ever, data safety is vital for workers at home and in the office.

Have a Plan in Place

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SOURCE C3 tech

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