By Kieron Byatt, PaperCut: 2021 is nearly at an end. Bet you thought we were all done with releases for the year, huh?

The shot clock might be winding down on another 12 months, but we’ve got one more release before the final buzzer sounds and 2021 can hit the locker room for a cold shower!

For the final stretch of the year, PaperCut 21.2 enters the game with the following stat-line:

  • Advanced Scan to fax features
    • Phonebook & multi-recipient Scan to fax
    • eGold fax integration
  • Fujifilm Business
  • Mixed page size scanning for HP
  • Azure authentication
  • Continuous delivery
    • OCR speed improvements
    • Mobility Print Cloud print new feature

Let’s hit pause on the replay for a moment and dive deep into each one of the aforementioned.

In fact, all of the above fall into three categories.

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