In this two-part series, we look at how automated scan workflows enable users to prepend and append pages to an existing document, enabling an organization to have one, complete digital master document instead of multiple individual documents. This makes searching and finding information faster and makes for a much more efficient file management system.
By Wouter Koelewijn, Y Soft – In part one, we looked at appending employee performance appraisal forms to the end of a master document. In this article, we look at prepending new scanned material at the front of an existing master document.
Setting the scene
For the purpose of this article, we will use the example of a bank that has 50 branch locations. Each week the branch security officers perform a site review and the resulting forms are sent digitally to headquarters as an email attachment. At headquarters, 50 documents a week are received resulting in 2600 documents per year received by email. Each has to be opened, the attached file renamed and saved to a secure location.