During this time of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, we at PSIGEN, wanted to reassure you, our valued partners and customers, of a few things.

First and foremost, you are in our thoughts and prayers during this crisis. You are the reason we do what we do; help businesses become more automated, efficient and productive in the modern business environment. Many of you have become friends and even extended family.

Secondly, business is obviously rapidly changing, and will continue to change because of this situation. Certain industries are slowing down, while others (Amazon for example) are booming, due to overwhelming demand. To ensure industries continue to be successful, many businesses will need to change infrastructure. Because of the almost forced transition to remote business models and social distancing, we need to plan and act on making these adjustments a reality.

You may not already know this, but PSIGEN has been a virtual company for over 10 years. Every employee is working locally, out of their own office. Yes, that means technical support, sales, accounting, and development personnel are all working independently. Therefore, during this unprecedented scenario, we are not having to adjust to working out of the house, switching communications over, or designing work plans to adjust to a new paradigm. However, we do realize you may be experiencing those struggles if you are having to change your “work world” around. We at PSIGEN are here to help you make those plans and successfully execute them.

To aid in this time of transition, for as long as it takes, we wanted to let you know:

  1. Technical Support is up and running to assist you. You can still contact them, during normal business hours, Monday – Friday, 8 AM EST – 8 PM EST at 949.916.7700 ext. 2. If you need special help or contact hours, please contact us to discuss.
  2. Our Professional Services and Sales Teams are here to help design, plan and deploy your projects to become remote and productive. They can be reached at Sales@psigen.com. You can also reach these teams at 949.916.7700 ext. 1.
  3. To further assist in managing expectations and concerns regarding licensing, renewals, payments, extensions, etc, our Accounting Team is also on call at all the usual contact points, accounting@psigen.com and 949.916.7700 ext. 3. Accounting is also preemptively checking accounts coming due in Late March through June, and will be working closely with those accounts to ensure they continue to function with no productivity losses experienced, due to financial issues.

For additional resources, Reselling Partners please go to our Partner Portal for more training videos, documents, downloads, etc. to help with your customer engagements and project planning.

Also, please contact your Regional Channel Managers to discuss both Remote Live Technical Training for smaller groups and our Online, Self-paced Technical Training designed for a quick refresh, or the new person on your very capable team.

Finally, everyone please stay safe, alert, informed and secure during this pandemic. It will pass and we will be stronger and wiser for it.


Capturing Information from 175 File Cabinets & 70,000 Files at a Law Firm