By Steven Knuff, Y Soft – Selling managed print service is challenging. Getting it set up, making sure that it works and solves the customer’s requests is even more challenging. Y Soft launched the Global Operational Excellence™ (GOE) Framework to address that. The GOE Framework is a set of proven processes, tools, and documents designed to successfully deploy Y Soft products and increase customer satisfaction.

For Y Soft partners worldwide, the GOE Framework is a step-by-step, closed-loop process that ensures the customer’s requirements are in the forefront during customer engagement, solution design, solution deployment, and monitoring and supporting the deployment.

The framework is offered to partners through Delivery Management; where Y Soft works side-by-side through the GOE phases; once sustained compliance has been demonstrated, partners can move to Delivery Review, where Y Soft reviews only the framework’s key milestones.

Partners benefit from smooth project delivery to customers, satisfied customers, and the ability to provide preemptive care throughout the solution’s life.

The GOE Framework’s goal is all about satisfying customers. Over 20,000 YSoft SAFEQ global installations have helped shape the framework to better enable partners to succeed. Learn how it can help you and your customers too.


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