In the picturesque town of Puchheim, Germany, just outside of Munich, Elatec, a global leader in secure access management solutions, hosted their annual conference. The event, strategically coinciding with Oktoberfest, drew participants from diverse sectors, especially RFID and office equipment reselling.

This year’s theme seemed to encapsulate the future of cities and businesses, with significant emphasis on the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, Smart Cities, and Smart Buildings.

Traditional printing, a sector where Elatec has a significant presence, was also a highlighted area. With presentations that demonstrated Elatec’s vision and innovations, attendees were treated to a comprehensive look at the firm’s future strategies and goals. Dressed in traditional lederhosen and dirndl, both attendees and presenters were ready for the big day.

The conference saw a great number of well-known industry names. PaperCut resellers like ACDI, ecoprintQ, and Selectec marked their attendance. MyQ print management representatives flew in from Prague, and well-known printer vendors such as HP, Lexmark, Ricoh, and Kyocera Europe were also present. NT-ware, another well-known print management company wasn’t in attendance, but they were included in several slides discussing their partnership. Interestingly, Google, one of Elatec’s partners, was represented, further exemplifying the importance of the event. With around 90 participants from across the globe, the conference was a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and networking.

As the conference concluded, participants, in true Bavarian style, boarded buses to Oktoberfest. Here, amidst the revelry and traditional festivities, the networking continued, strengthening bonds and fostering new connections.

Earlier this year, Frankfurt-based SGT Capital announced its acquisition of Elatec. The acquisition, worth approximately EUR 400 million, sees Elatec joining the portfolio of SGT Capital, a global private equity firm known for supporting market-leading companies in their international expansion endeavors. Elatec’s growth in the last several years has been staggering.

As Elatec moves forward, their mission remains clear: sustained performance, continued technical innovation, and global expansion. With the backing of SGT Capital and the continued support of clients and partners, including giants like Google, HP, and Lexmark, Elatec seems poised for significant future growth.

Click here to see all photos from the event!

For those in the RFID sector and office equipment reselling, the future looks promising, with Elatec paving the way.

SOURCE Industry Analysts Inc.

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