What teachers think about digitalization in education

Aug 28, 2023 7:22:21 AM

By Keith Haas, Keypoint Intelligence: When I was a kid still in school, I remember it being such a treat when my class was heading to the computer lab and I got to play around with tools that I didn’t have access to in my regular classroom. By the time I was 10, the computer lab experience switched over to being excited when my teachers would rent out a laptop cart so we can work on classroom activities on personal devices anywhere in the classroom, or play the occasional computer game when we had free time! Fast forward to now and what was once a special experience to many other former students is now the standard as school districts are providing their students with their own personal Chromebooks to carry around with them all day long to perform their everyday classroom tasks.

Jealously aside, we’re lucky to have a treasure trove of tools available to help our youth learn in today’s fast-paced world of education. This isn’t the first time print and digital resources in education have been discussed in The Key Point blog, but this time I really want to home in on what print’s role looks like in the classroom in an increasingly digital world. To get these insights, I had the chance to talk to some middle school and high school teachers to really look at the digitalization of their classrooms to get their firsthand views on their experience moving away from print, as well as the pros and cons of going digital. (Spoiler alert: We still think there is room for print and digital resources.

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SOURCE Keypoint Intelligence