In the world of healthcare technology, interoperability remains a hot topic, and organizations are constantly seeking innovative solutions to bridge the gaps between disparate systems. A recent story in Healthcare IT Today on the topic of fax and interoperability certainly caught our attention. It appears that others in the industry are taking etherFAX’s lead and embracing a term we hold dear: the “on-ramp to interoperability.” While we are flattered, we can’t help but marvel at the fact our competitors are using our trademarked term without giving us credit for coining it!

Creativity often thrives on inspiration, be it from nature, art, or even the successes of others. In the realm of healthcare technology, where the need for interoperability is paramount, it’s no surprise that various companies are constantly brainstorming ways to enhance data exchange. Though it’s certainly a compliment to see the impact that our own phrase, creating the “off ramp from fax; the on ramp to interoperability,” has had on the industry, we can’t help but chuckle at the coincidence. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

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