Whether you need PRI/T1 or analog phone lines, they are costly and add an extra layer of complexity to fax server installations. Outsourced fax services have their shortcomings; sensitive documents stored off- site, lack of tight integration with back office systems, applications and MFPs, and most organizations will still keep a fax machine or two, which still require dedicated fax lines.

etherFAX has created an alternative to fax lines and on-line fax services. Supporting all major fax servers, etherFAX provides secure transport of all your incoming and outgoing faxes. With etherFAX all data is stored in your office.

You get all the tight integration with your back office, messaging systems and MFPs. We at etherFAX like to refer to this as a hybrid Software as a Service Solution (SaaS) or in the cloud computing sphere, “partly cloudy.”

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6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Cloud Fax Service