A copier doesn’t always have to be an expense item in the budget. Some organizations are utilizing Credit Accounting to turn their devices into profit centers! During the April webinar we will discuss how Credit Accounting can be implemented so that users pay for their clicks before generating output.

The best part…all of this can be done without the local librarian serving as a bank teller. We will review how MyQ can generate vouchers to be sold to end-users as well as how electronic payments may be accepted and securely processed to load funds into an account.

As a special feature, each webinar will conclude with a short review contest. MyQ will then make a contribution in the name of the top three participants to a charitable organization of their choice!

Webinar Details:

Date: April 12, 2024
Time: 11 AM EST
Duration: 30 minutes (webinar), 15 minutes (Q&A, contest)
Presenter: Robbie Morris, Solution Specialist

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your business with MyQ. We hope you’ll join this webinar, find it useful, and consider it as a way for all of us to build a strong partnership.

English Versionhttps://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d2f236fb-5974-4c9d-b0f1-b6308b972f4e@b19336e4-8029-426d-a4e3-428a72e49cd4

Spanish Versionhttps://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a193ab91-bf0a-474d-8cb9-246e288acf39@b19336e4-8029-426d-a4e3-428a72e49cd4

We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

Click here to learn more about MyQ print management solutions for office equipment resellers.