Day 4 began in rain gear, but nothing really too bad compared to the previous morning. The Patriots Pack had a nice ride from Little Rock to Memphis, opting to take The Purple Heart Highway (fitting!) on I-70 instead of I-40, the busiest trucking stretch in the US.

It was amazing to see the chunks of buildings that were missing along the rural route, a sure sign that we were in the heart of tornado country.

The weather cleared as we neared Memphis and after a short stop for fuel, we made it to the hotel with plenty of time to clean up for dinner.

Once again, Scot Berry of MCC hosted the Pack on their Ride for Jillian. The Berry’s are incredible hosts and shortly after arriving we were already stuffed.

The entire family was there and the little ones enjoyed revving the big engines on the bikes (probably a lot more than Scot’s neighbors). They were all jumping up and down in the driveway as we left, each holding a purple elephant we brought over their heads.

As the sun faded, it was time to head back to the hotel.

Click here to read a more detailed blog of the day by JB “Papa” Brostrom

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