By JB “Papa” Brostrom, MWAi – Really?! Nine days thus far?
There was no reason for anyone to rise terribly early. Our plan for the day is to visit the US Marine Corps memorial and then make our way to Arlington National Cemetery (if not too crowded), then across the Potomac to park among hundreds of thousands of bikers and tourists to visit the Wall and Monuments. All of this with a personal tour guide, Mr. James D’Emidio who grew up in the DC area.
We all gathered on time. We all finally got a look at Chip Maceli’s (Eagle) Slingshot three wheeled vehicle. The tw0 wheelers brought up their steeds from the basement parking. We had a group of 9 lined up under the hotel and with Mr. James D’Emidio’s car we will be 10 strong. A train of 10 is tough on the open road but in DC metro it presents challenges.
Our tour guide decided to leave on his own and do a recon mission to verify our route of travel. He could call back later to say he was on his way to Richmond and to not take our first choice of route. While waiting for his fateful call the group was inundated by people who wanted to sit in and take photographs with Eagle and Paul Miceli’s (Paulie) bright red Slingshot. Eagle was most gracious. Another group wanted motorcycle selfies.
We mounted up and headed the less than 1 mile to the USMC Memorial. The trip was completely uneventful. We showed up and our tour guide had righted his mis-trip and was holding parking for us. Those of us who are rookies to this particular memorial were amazed at just how large it is. We approached respectfully and waited as a Marine or associate of a fallen Marine (or both) was kneeling at the monument’s base. He was shaking with emotion… and now, so were we.
We wanted a photo op for our selves so we walked around to the other side and lined up in our Patriots Pack vests along with our, our… let’s call them a posse. Our tour guide took the photos but we found many of the other tourists took the opportunity to photo us. We’re staring to draw a crowd. Some of us who were with significant others and family took photos of their own. Papa dropped back into the crowd. A lovely lady asked what part of Illinois we were from. Papa replied, he was from Arizona but we had two from Illinois. They were from Des Plaines area. She replied, she was from Des Plaines. Eagle’s business in Chicagoland is Des Plaines Office Equipment (DPOE). She asked his name. Papa replied, Chip Miceli and his cons Paulie. She replied, I dated a Chicago Miceli in high school. Papa promptly dragged her to introduce her to Eagle and Paulie only to realize she had indeed dated Eagle’s cousin. It is a small world!
We only had a bout 2000 yrds to get to Arlington National. We again proceeded in formation without incident for the first 1800 yards. The final 200 yards proved a traffic nightmare. As we creeped for 20 minutes to go the next 100 yards we made the decision to avoid Arlington and proceed directly across the Potomac via the George Washington Memorial Bridge.
Click here to view all Ride for Jillian Photos
Soon we were approaching the area where we could slide right and proceed along all the traffic merging left into Arlington. We saw our opening bye Papa stopped the train to give the Slingshot a few more moments as Eagle needs a bit more space. It wasn’t long and we were crossing the GW Memorial Bridge looking at the back of the Lincoln Memorial. We turned left around the bend and hard left to Constitution Avenue. One block toward the Capital and we turned up onto the sidewalk and out onto the grass to park in the lovely sunny grassy park along with a certified gazillion bikers. Even Trump would say the number was “uuge!” Several of the Patriots Pack decided to find shade to protect their precious seats.
Mr. James D’Emidio had found parking for his tour guide car and his group happened to be just across the street at the entrance of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. Soon all of us were gathered with the exception of Eagle and Paulie. The Slingshot wouldn’t make the sidewalk. With modern cell phone technology we didn’t worry about connecting. Papa ran back to the bikes to retrieve the riding Vest from the recently passed husband of Barb Noll. You’ll remember that story from Day 4 at DATAMAX. Mrs. Noll, rest assured the Patriots Pack and Paco delivered on the promise to honor your husband. We are grateful to have had this honor.
You will also recall Papa was carrying with him a flag from Living For Liz group out of LaCrescent Minnesota. Holmans, the Patriots Pack carried Liz with us and she delivered us safely to our destination.
We toured the Lincoln Memorial and made our way to the vendor area for some last minute accessories and lunch. There was an aborted walking visit to the White House. The heat and timing didn’t make it work. We were to make it back to the shady and sunny bikes at 1:15. Everyone sort of scattered and by 1:15 had made it back to the prescribed location. As we started to mount up a tour bus door opened up and 40 Argentinian tourists emerged. There were whole families with in the group ranging in ages from 10-ish to great grandparents.
They were all mesmerized by the Milwaukee Metal in front of them. Soon some of the most brave young ladies started asking for photo ops. Papa had at 5 or 6 ladies, some not so young, climb aboard to have their photos taken. Even the young 10-ish gentleman climbed up. Paco had a couple of the tourists climb on his bike solo. It provided both groups some international joy.
Some of the Pack headed back to the hotel while a small group wanted to visit the Jefferson Memorial. Again all groups proceeded with out incident and made it back to the hotel to prepare for what will be an emotional evening.
Papa returned t his room to find it being cleaned. He decided to sit and relax in the lobby and was soon joined by Lone Star, GQ, and Mrs. Q. Mrs. Q left to find a sandwich. About that time a lonely gent walked off the street into the lobby. He was talking loud and fast. He was dressed a bit like, no disrespect intended, Gomer Pile. Later he revealed his name was John from East St Louis Illinois. He was a jolly sort and invited himself to join us on the couch talking about the long overdue experience of visiting the Wall to put a buddy to rest. He was invigorated. The pilgrimage obviously worked. He then began to talk about his walking to Arlington but wanted to know the distance. Papa started to navigate for him and John reached for his map. “I’m Army so I know how to use a map!” GQ and Lone Star vacated lobby. Thanks boys!
Papa was able to settle John down enough to show him his trek was indeed just a mile or so. He needed directions to a café as well because John can get Jimmy John’s anywhere. Find me something local. Papa remembered a café close to the hotel form his walk home last evening with G-Wiz. Soon John was regaling Papa with stories from Desert Storm taking particular delight in two somewhat opposed stories. One of his duties in Desert Storm was to find and pay, with cash, local mechanics to repair Army motor pool equipment. Some of that case was ultimately used for his family vacation to Disney World when he got home. The other was a story of how he defied a CO’s order not to turn in his Major for shipping home to Germany an Army vehicle. Papa is certain John’s stories, though rooted in some sort of face, would be difficult to substantiate. John did serve our country and deserved an ear because he did have something to say.
6:00ish the Patriots Pack and groupies gathered and ordered their Ubers to Café Milano in Georgetown. Tonight we celebrate with George Gorman, father of Jillian. We are joined by Steve Noyes from Clover (Clover donated the Harley for raffle) among others. The gathering took place not only at the Café Milano but specifically in the special room Café Milano built for Placido Domingo when he was General Director of the Washington National Opera. Placido enjoyed the restaurant but needed a quiet and private room in order to enjoy his meals.
Paco directed a wonderful program to honor the Jillian fund as well as our sponsors. It was gratifying to hear the stories courage, loss and gain. The stories told by George Gorman and Larry Coco ware very emotional. No dry eyes. Danny Terril, of OES-Solutions in Indiana, was the winner of the raffle. It is perhaps destiny that Danny was the winner. Danny is both a veteran and a cancer survivor. We were able to contact him and hear his excitement. We actually had to confirm to his wife he actually was the winner. Just before dinner was served Papa provide the Patriots Pack, the PP posse, and the Jillian Fund attendees with a song. Enough with the emotion and on the a celebratory meal of gratitude. Our evening ended early as we have an early call to get in line at the Pentagon.