Electronic Systems Protection, Inc. was established in 1985 when our founders discovered that the new microprocessor-based photocopiers could not meet their design copies between calls (CBC), and clean power was required for these technologically sophisticated products to function properly. They responded by developing a new line of Multi-Stage surge protection technology devices with the lowest level of let through energy in the industry, and no degradation over the life of the product.

In 2009, Electronic Systems Protection, Inc. acquired the SurgeX brand to expand into new vertical markets. Founded in 1995, SurgeX introduced a new type of surge protection technology called Series Mode, which blocked and contained surge energy without the use of any sacrificial or diversionary components and did not contaminate the safety ground. Improving upon the original technology, Advanced Series Mode with zero let-through technology was introduced in 2005.

Over the years we have introduced a variety of new and innovative technologies into the market, including microprocessor-based diagnostic intelligence, energy management, system management, and real-time multi-unit IP monitoring and control to stay on the cutting edge of power protection and energy intelligence solutions.

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