By Jeff Sears, GreatAmerica – We’ve all seen it happen. A company leader shares plans for a new change, and then it fizzles out as fast as it started. The change doesn’t gain traction. It doesn’t generate advocates. It doesn’t even get piloted.

The change never makes it past the starting gate. And worse… all those staff members who said “It won’t happen” were right. In these cases, the change initiative was not viewed as a process, but rather a declaration or edict from above.

1. Create a Sense of Urgency

This is where you help people understand the importance of making the change. You can share what will happen if you make the change (ideal future state) and what will happen if you don’t. Use industry data or case studies to show the potential impact of the change.

TIP: 75% of your management and leadership teams need to embrace the change publicly and have buy-in for the change to succeed.

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SOURCE GreatAmerica

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