By: Key Kain, GreatAmerica – Are thousands of work-from-home employees from across the United States tempted to introduce unmanaged technology (and the associated cyber threats) through a personal printer to their workplace network? I had never thought of this. Until one day…

What are the Security Risks Associated with the use of Unmanaged Print Devices?

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I’d been working from home for a few weeks because of the COVID-19 pandemic and I had not printed anything. I found myself wanting to – whether it be my daily calendar to take notes, an important report that needed detailed attention, or a recent business article that piqued my interest. I had made some minor IT-related requests to our company’s COVID-19 Response Team after having been deployed in late March to work remote. I spoke to a member of the team, Jay Allpress, VP of Information Security for GreatAmerica. That conversation opened my eyes to some of the risks I could introduce to the company network worth noting.

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SOURCE GreatAmerica

GreatAmerica MPSecure Addresses Work-From-Home Print Security Vulnerabilities