Welcome George Gorman to another What’s Happenin’ in Person (WHIP) video interview with Andy Slawetsky of Industry Analysts Inc.

In this episode, Andy talks about The Jillian Fund charity with its founder. George shares his story about Jillian and how the fund began before moving on to discusss What’s Happenin’ now with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic.   

To help, The Jillian Fund has recently sent thousands of dollars in gift certificates to a NJ hospital to be distributed by social workers to those who qualify for them. And that’s not all.  

Tune in to find what else they’re doing and what’s going to happen to the Nov. 19 Gala! 

This video is part of an ongoing series of interviews that can be found on industryanalysts.com and on this YouTube channel (IATV).

SOURCE Industry Analysts Inc.

Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office, COVID19 and The Jillian Fund; A Chat With Bill McLaughlin