The following appears on ENX Magazine

The February issue of ENX Magazine was dedicated to consumables. One topic we didn’t cover was the environmental responsibility aspects of different cartridge options that resellers have available to them. We received several comments regarding this topic, so here are some thoughts:

Which Business Model is Most Environmentally Friendly?

Almost all OEMs offer collection and recycling programs for all their cartridges. Remanufacturers also work hard to collect empty consumables so that they can remanufacture them. The newbuild compatible (NBC) manufacturers…well, they do nothing.

So, that’s it, then? The OEM and remanufacturers are the most environmentally friendly? Yes, but it’s not quite that simple. Like so many things, you must follow the money.

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OEM, Remanufactured, Compatible and Counterfeit Consumables: A Reseller’s Guide to Truth and Fiction