By: Rick Lambert for GreatAmerica – “Most LinkedIn profiles for sales professionals look more like job resumes rather than customer resumes.”

I’ve been in sales for years. Since 1998, I’ve worked with over 500 companies coaching over 20,000 salespeople about contemporary selling strategies that drive results. In all the years I’ve spent selling and coaching, perhaps one of the biggest things I’ve learned is just how important it is to continually seek out new ways of doing things. That’s why you and I need to keep our toolbox loaded with the latest strategies and tactics to work smarter and not always harder. The consumer’s buying habits will continue to change, and my approach has to evolve accordingly. We’ve all heard this popularly-quoted statistic:

70% of the buyer’s journey is complete before a buyer even reaches out to sales (SiriusDecisions).

This means your prospects have already done the research on you, your products/solutions, and your organization before they even reach out to you. While some may still have the notion that B2B buyers aren’t as privy to this habit, I’d argue the contrary:

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SOURCE GreatAmerica

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