By Devin Anderson, PrinterLogic – From the enterprise all the way down to the home office, the WAN connection is the fundamental link to the outside world—communications, cloud services, info gathering, you name it. In Citrix environments, the WAN connection is utterly essential. It’s the astronaut’s tether to the space station. When that connection is broken, you can prepare to experience any number of serious productivity-sapping issues, including Citrix printing problems.

Of course, Citrix printing can be challenging at the best of times owing to the sheer complexity of virtual environments. Poorly coded drivers, print server incompatibilities and idiosyncrasies at the application level all have the potential to lead to common Citrix printing issues, and none of those is necessarily the fault of the Citrix solution itself.

But in terms of printing, the dependence that virtual environments have on the WAN is really only mirrored in distributed environments that rely on a centralized print server. And that means WAN vulnerabilities pose a greater threat to day-to-day operations than they would otherwise.

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