By Howie Fenton for RSA – As we prepare for a recovery from our COVID infected businesses there are changes occurring that could help or hinder our success. Requiring staff to work from home has accelerated three challenges: reduced volumes, the difficulty finding qualified staff, and the reluctance to automate production. This is not the first time we discussed COVID issues and strategies; we discussed them in June, 2020 and December, 2020. However, if we reposition or change how we talk about these issues they could become opportunities.

Work From Home (WFH) 

For many in-plant service providers sending parent company employees home caused an immediate reduction in work volume requiring many to reduce print shop staff levels. This is standard operating procedure for most companies, but it does not take advantage of a more powerful and flexible staffing strategy known as on call staffing strategy. This is better known as the gig economy or using freelancer staff.

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SOURCE Rochester Software Associates

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