By Erik Cagle, ENX Magazine – Todd Hirshorn can feel your pain. The president and chief revenue officer of Miami-based RingByName may not be a household name in the office technology dealership realm. However, he’s aware of the challenges dealers face in finding that net-new revenue generator to bolster coffers in the face of declining MFP sales.

Todd Hirshorn, president and CRO of RingByName (left), and Kooi Lim, CEO

More importantly, Hirshorn believes he has the right product to help spark that new revenue growth. It’s easy to learn, easy to sell, and Hirshorn has a template that can take dealers from zero to multiple sales in a matter of days. And before you roll your eyes at the thought of a get-rich quick scheme, take heart—it doesn’t come with a set of Ginsu steak knives.

But it does offer a simplified solution to the age-old business communications tool, the telephone, married with the latest technology and features that integrate with the most-popular CRM solutions on the market.

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Recurring Revenue From Real Estate Answering Service and Phone System