Attracting Millennial Talent to Your Business

The generation born between 1980 and 2000 are known as millennials, and they are rapidly becoming the leading generation in the workforce. These talented young workers are known for their comfort and skill with technology and can be a great benefit to SMBs. However, they have different expectations than their more senior counterparts. With a few changes to your business, you can attract and maintain these valuable employees.


Millennials know that not everyone works best in a cubicle from 9-5 and appreciate jobs that give them the flexibility to do their best work. Open work environments, telecommuting and flexible work hours are all ways to make your small business more attractive to these workers. In the end, the final product that you produce is what matters, not how and when your employees work. Allowing a healthy work/life balance is a benefit to all your employees, not just millennials.

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