One of the primary aims of PaperCut is to reduce printing levels by changing a user’s printing behavior. Implementing monitoring, quotas and charging are a good way of drawing a user’s attention to their habits. The topic of the environment, global warming, and waste management is currently an area of debate and interest to many. Highlighting the environmental aspects of their activities is another good way to modify a user’s behavior.

Environmental impact is expressed as three statistics:

  • Trees, or the number of trees that were expended to make the paper.
  • Carbon, or the CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gases released during the paper production.
  • Energy, or the energy used by the manufacturing process when producing the paper. This is expressed as the equivalent amount of time required to run a 60W lightbulb, so as to be easier to understand.

If you have a few moments now, try out our ROI Calculator and find out what level of impact implementing PaperCut in your organization could have on the environment. in other locations, such as the sidebar in Windows Vista, or on an intranet page using the web widgets.

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ROAD TRIP! ecoprintQ and Umango on the road in Florida!