By Howie Fenton, Rochester Software Associates: Part 2 of Our Embrace Change and Accelerate Your Response Series

In our last blog, we introduced the idea that the pace of change has accelerated after the pandemic, and the importance of accelerating your response to changes has increased. We discussed the book Who Moved My Cheese and presented evidence of a possible resurgence of the management trend for outsourcing. We discussed the first step of making changes as an analysis of your situation called a current state analysis which focuses on print applications. This blog will discuss the recruiting, software, hardware, and financing resources you will need to support your strategic plan.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Updating Recruiting Strategies

Staffing may become one of the most significant issues in the industry. The traditional methods of recruiting, such as word of mouth and newspaper ads, are not as effective and need to be combined with social media, online sites, career days, and active recruiting through local schools.

Some in-plants are making a proactive recruiting campaign by contacting local high schools and trade schools and sitting with guidance counselors to discuss career options. They are designing and printing brochures about career opportunities in the graphic arts industry to support their marketing campaign. A great deal of information is available that will help in the creation of these brochures. Believe it or not, some in-plant print centers offer high salaries or signing bonuses.

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SOURCE Rochester Software Associates

End the Nightmare on Production Print Street